
“Unprecedented” Weather: Is This the New Norm and How Can You Make Your Home Climate-Safe?

To ring the new year, Portland experienced an unprecedented storm resulting in more than a week of wind, snow, ice, and record breaking temperatures. We are seeing extreme rain events causing mudslides and floods, and extreme heat and drought periods causing never before seen wildfires. It is not hard to image that what we call extreme weather now, we will eventually just call weather. How will we adapt? Well, one way will be through changing the way we build and adapt our shelters.

Case Study: Iterative Solutions for a Historic Home

Case Study: Iterative Solutions for a Historic Home

When a client comes to us with a new project, they often have an idea in mind of what they want the finished result to look like. While this is always the starting point for our design process, putting pen to paper and developing 3D models can often reveal challenges with the initial ideas, as well as present unique opportunities for alternative solutions. In this case study, we show how we evaluated varied solutions to a complex design problem with 3D modeling to find a clean and elegant option that best met the client’s goals.